Fareham Wheelers is now a British Cycling accredited Club. We have been able to provide them with evidence that we are a club that has been practicing excellent operating standards and demonstrating that we are fun, inclusive, and safe. Any current and future members of Fareham Wheelers Cycling Club can be safe in the knowledge that they are attending a reputable club.
Prospective members are welcome to try one of our Sunday Runs first, without obligation. You can ride with us on up to two occasions before you need to join; this is a condition of our third party insurance, or come along to one of our weekly social evenings (every Monday at Catisfield Community Centre from about 7.30pm) to find out more and meet some of our members. When you are ready to join, you pay online by selecting Membership Application below to access the British Cycling system all memberships are automatically accepted!
Existing members can also renew their memberships using any of these methods. When renewing you simply purchase the same type of membership from the list on the British Cycling Join Club page.
For any membership queries please email Mike Stevens.
Types of Membership
Please note that members wishing to ride in road races, cyclo-cross events, circuit races or track races will also need membership of, and in most cases, a racing licence from British Cycling or other organisation.
Full Member (Full) £25 pa:
This is the standard club membership for riding and racing members. It entitles members to attend all of our Sunday club runs, social events and social rides. It also entitles members to race in Fareham Wheelers Cycling Club colours, to ride for the Club in time trials, and to compete for club trophies and awards and set club records.
Associate Member (AM) £10 pa:
This is a non-riding membership for those who wish to be social members of the Club but do not wish to take part in club runs, racing or competition.
Riding Member (RM) £25 pa:
Riding members will normally be members of another club who wish to ride with Fareham Wheelers on club runs. Riding members are not eligible to compete for club trophies or set club records, they are not eligible to borrow club equipment or vote at the AGM.
Honorary Life Member (Hon):
Honorary Life Membership is a special membership awarded by the Club to individuals who have performed extraordinary deeds in cycling or have served the club with honour and dignity over a long period of time. Persons eligible will need to be proposed by the committee and voted into honorary life membership by members at an Annual General Meeting.

State Pensioner (SP) £20 pa:
This membership carries exactly the same entitlements as a Full Member but at a reduced annual fee for members who are drawing their state pension.
Student / Unemployed (SU) £10 pa:
This membership also carries exactly the same entitlements as Full Member but at a reduced annual fee for members who either full-time students or registered unemployed.
Junior Member (JM) (16-18 yrs. old) £10 pa:
This is the standard club membership for a young person aged 16 or over, but under 18 at the start of the year. This entitles the junior member to race in Fareham Wheelers Cycling Club colours, and to compete for all appropriate club trophies and awards. Junior members can take part in time trials, but parental consent to participate will normally be required.
Youth Member (YM) (Under 16) £10 pa:
This Club membership is for a young person aged under 16 at the start of the year. It entitles a youth member to race in Fareham Wheelers Cycling Club colours, and to compete for all appropriate club trophies and awards. Junior members can take part in time trials with the consent of the organisers, and prior parental consent to participate will be required.
Family Member (FM) £50 pa:
This is the standard Club membership for a family of 2 adults and children living in the same house. It entitles family members to race in Fareham Wheelers Cycling Club colours, to ride for the Club in time trials, and to compete for all club trophies and awards. The Adults are also eligible to vote at the Club AGM and serve on the committee.
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